Henry "Box" Brown

While walking through the slave trail we came across the Henry “Box” Brown Monument. We read all about Henry and his escape from slavery by mailing himself from Virginia to Philadelphia abolitionists in a wooden crate. We each took turns cramming into the small crate/box. We could not imagine traveling that far in such a confined space. We also took the time to read the many quotes that were engraved onto the monument. This is what Henry had to say about his experience;

“The idea flashed across my mind of shutting myself up in a box & getting myself conveyed…to a free state.”

“I laid me down in my darkened home of three feet by two.”

“My friends managed to break open the box & then came my resurrection from the grave of slavery.”

“I rose a free man.”

We all decided that the third quote was our favorite because of the sense of excitement and accomplishment. 

Kendall Tyler
Luke Rush
Sara Schweiger 

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