What it is to be an American

The anxiety of beginning a new chapter in your life begins to increase the moment you step onto the plane from your familiar surroundings. You hug and kiss your loved ones goodbye wishing they were joining you on this excursion. But you know you will see them again and this sacrifice is all for the better.
As your tiny window view changes from blue and white to browns and greens, the excitement rises again. Luscious fields of green grass and golden corn stretch as far as the eye can see; speckled with dainty houses here and there. Beyond the fields, your eyes are met by towering mountains, rising into the sun kissed sky. You have arrived in America! But this beautiful scenery is not all she has to show you!

You soar over bustling cities, through smog and smoke. Thousands of miles of highways and roads stretch over the horizon, cutting right through the once thick wooded land. Giant skyscrapers now take the place of the majestic mountains. As the plane descends, you are able to take a closer glance at the hustling people down below; robotically making their way to work, soccer practice, and the grocery store. The butterflies in your stomach are writhing in anticipation. This is nothing like you’ve seen before! Sure, you’ve seen high buildings and noisy cars, but not in this capacity!

You are greeted by family and friends who have made this trek before you. They are your key to success! This world offers many opportunities; learn about our unique culture and ways. Some may seem like taboo but no need to conform! This is America! This is a peaceful world, quiet and serene, but dangers lurk around every corner. Take guidance from your family and friends.

Our culture is unlike anywhere else. Fast food restaurants litter the street corners. In between the coffee stand and burger joints, take notice to the small food markets. This is where you will find the real food! Different cultures from around the world take up shop here in America. You are now able to enjoy foods from India and France all in one day! Listen to our music, watch our plays and movies. Learn about our history and language for it holds many stories. We may be young, but we are experienced.

The people of America are a different breed. We are a mixture of many races and creeds. Some are raised on hard labor; working from dawn to dusk in the fields of grain to feed their families and towns. Others live in the cities, sitting behind desks and running their businesses. We have movie stars; the rich and famous, living in their luxurious homes, driving their fancy cars. Things are not just handed to you here in America; you must earn it. Times have changed in America. The rich and famous do not have power. They do not control this world. There are no princes and princesses, dukes and duchesses, or Kings and Queens. We hold our faith in our government and we may experience hard times but we persevere. Our country has been through many wars, famine, and disease. We have triumphed over racism and earned our equality.

An American is someone who understands that in order to achieve what they want out of life requires action, purpose, and strive. You need to want to be more than just a farmer or merchant. American’s have that urge to be all they can be. You don’t need to be born in America to be an American. To be an American means you possess certain qualities and traits; Diligence, respect, honor, patriotism, loyalty, perseverance. There are Americans in countries around the world that may never make it to these shores. The American Dream is a national ideology, a criterion for which freedom includes opportunity, prosperity, and success. Upward mobility is achievable but only through hard work.

This is a bureaucratic country. You will experience racism, hate, dishonesty, and greed. But this is also a complaisant country, where you will also know love, kindness, trust, and perseverance. This is America. You have rights. You have freedoms. You are equal. This country was built on the experience, knowledge, and culture from across the globe. You are here to continue this legacy. When you are discouraged, stick out your chest and hold up that chin. America wasn’t built on the weak and feeble, it was built on the strong and the brave. The idea of the American dream is stemmed from the Declaration of Independence, which states “all men are created equal” and they are “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights” including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." So fellow American, pursue your happiness.

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