Social Evils

In all aspects, today’s society is completely different than it was 200 years ago. We've advanced in technology, fashion has changed, and we can say that America has a black president. Even though we have progressed as a country we still face difficult social situations. These situations may be different than when the country first started but they carry the same meanings.

For roughly 246 years, America practiced slavery. In 1619, the first African American slave arrived in America. In 1688, the Germantown Quaker Petition was the first protest made by religious group against African American slavery. Not only did the Europeans enslave African Americans, the also forced Native Americans into the slave trade. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which was not a law passed by congress. It only proclaimed freedom of slaves in the ten states of rebellion and did not outlaw slavery and did not make the ex-slaves citizens.  It took another two years for slavery to be completely outlawed with the addition of the Thirteenth Amendment.
We have something very similar in moral issues in today’s society. Not nearly as violent, but it can be. Every civilization on Earth has experienced a form of slavery. Every civilization on Earth has also experienced issues with homosexuality. Today’s fight against homosexuality and same sex marriage deals with the issue of the government recognizing it as a legal sanction. For many years, in America, members of the LBGT community have fought their inner feelings in fear of being punished, discriminated, and shunned. Many would fight their feelings and do what was ‘right’. Many would secretly carry out their actions. In a society once stricken with hate crimes against the African American culture, people have now turned towards the LBGT community. Murders, rapes, and beatings ensued.  Fights for equality eventually took the forefront but we are still raging battles.

The moral issues surrounding this confliction are religion based. People of many different religions believe that marriage, and intimate relationships, should be between a man and a woman. Many people use the bible as a reference to how God proclaims this statement to be true.
Enough with the history lesson, let’s get to the real situation at hand. While doing research for this assignment, I wanted to get my facts straight; I tried looking up bible quotes opposing gay marriage. The results were astounding. I’m not going to quote any specific verse from the religious text because every word is up for interpretation. Not to mention, I’m not here to argue the bible. However, I will say that you, as a human, have the right to believe in whatever you want to believe. There are thousands of religions in this world and who is to say that one is the correct and only faith system? In addition to that, you do not want someone to take those beliefs from you. This was one of the reasons why Europeans fled to the New World; to escape religious prosecution, only to commit the act themselves against others here in the New World, but again, another history lesson.  So if you wouldn't want someone to tell you what you believe in is incorrect, why would you do the same to someone else?

The rights of one involved with the LBGT community are equally the same as one who is not. Just because their sexual preference is not similar to yours does not make them less of a person. The beliefs against homosexuality are being passed down from generation to generation. Just like the beliefs against slavery and women’s rights. Eventually, these beliefs changed and I fore see the same for this situation. This country is supposed to belief in the separation between church and state and this social situation of gay marriage is pushing that belief.

I think it is obvious right now that I am pro-gay rights, but I don’t feel that way because of my religion. I feel that way because I see any gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender as a normal human being; A person who has feelings and beliefs just like I do. Even if I didn't agree with what they were doing behind closed doors, I wouldn't take away their happiness. Isn't that another thing this country was built on; the pursuit of happiness?

This is a social evil that is incompatible with our nation’s well-being because it’s teaching our younger generation’s discrimination and hate. Not only does our society look down upon the gay community, but we still have racism, we still have discrimination. Bullying is one of the biggest problems in our schools right now. Suicide rates have sky rocketed in the past 20 years for teenagers. These are beliefs that are instilled in children at home and from what they see in society. America has a problem and there is no easy solution. We do, however, need to come together. There will always be hatred and evil in the world, but it doesn't have to happen in our neighborhoods. 

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