
Ever hear of the phrase patience is a virtue? Well, it really is! Everyone needs to live by particular virtues in order to live a happy and healthy life. Each virtue may vary from person to person and some many follow certain virtues more intensely than others. Either way, everyone has virtues. Here's a small list of some of the personal virtues I find are highly important in everyday life.

~Patience-the ability to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting upset. If one does not have patience, then life will be filled with anger, frustration, and disappointment.

~Tolerance-the ability or willingness to tolerate something. Everyone must have tolerance to some degree. As an American, we have the right to free speech. We must tolerate other people's opinions and ideas even if they differ from our own.

~Charity-the voluntary giving of help to those in need. After Hurricane Sandy, millions of people were left homeless and without power. Those lucky enough to be spared of Her wrath, graciously took in the stranded and offered electricity to those without. It doesn't always have to involve money to help someone in need.

~Justice-just behavior of treatment. My mother always told me to be the bigger person. Just because someone does something wrong does not always mean that they deserve to be treated in the exact same fashion. We need to be just and fair to everyone.

~Wisdom-the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement.  This isn't a natural virtue. This is earned over time through life lessons. But only if you learn from your mistakes.

~Ambition- a strong desire to do something; typically through determination and hard work. This country was born from ambition. If we did not have people with strive and determination, we wouldn't have cellphones, computers, modern medicine, or women wouldn't be able to vote!

~Honesty-the quality of being honest;telling the truth. If everyone went around lying, no one would be able to have a true relationship. The world would be chaotic.

~Respect-a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilites, qualities, and/or achievements. I was raised to respect my elders. I never knew why I had to but I still did. I now know that it's because of their life lessons, their wisdom, they have seen justices, built their lives with determination.They have been charitable and received charity.
Their lives are filled with honesty, patience, and tolerance. This is why you respect your elders.

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